Sunday, August 5, 2007

Worship - House Church Style

We spent the morning worshipping with the missionary team in their office/warehouse. Surrounded by boxes full of materials to be packaged and distributed, we sat on plastic lawn chairs and shared, praised and sang to the Lord. There was no order or program and we stayed for nearly an hour and a half. The verse that they use a lot has been

John 3:8 The wind blows wherever it pleases. You hear its sound, but you cannot tell where it comes from or where it is going. So it is with everyone born of the Spirit."

This has come to mean a lot to me as we move from a world where everything goes as it should and as we plan to a world where we have no control. The phrase for the week has been to be fluid rather than flexible. Flexible will bend until it breaks whereas fluid will slosh around the cup but it is still the same fluid. Being fluid to allow the Lord to have control over our lives and what we do and how we react to the things around us. This has been a deeply moving trip already. It feels much longer than the 6 days or so that we have actually been here. We feel like we have compacted much more into that time. We are still so excited about the opportunity we had last night to distribute Bibles to the Chinese. We are even more excited about it tomorrow. We will spend the morning building packets for teams to distribute at various locales. We will then head to the beach area and distribute packets and Bibles to the Chinese tourists there. It is so exciting when we see them take the gift of scripture knowing that for them it is there first chance to have one. We feel so spoiled to think of the number of Bibles on our shelves at home that we never touch or that we neglect to spend time in it daily.

On a lighter note, lunch today was at a Texas style Rib restaraunt. That's right we ate BBQ, Hot Wings, Baked Potatoes, Nachos, Potato Salad, Ranch Style Beans and Corn on the Cob. Sounds just like an after church meal to me.

Please pray that tomorrows distibution will go well. Pray for the Chinese people who are receiving these Bibles that they may come to know Christ. Pray for the churches in China that will be adding new believers to their numbers.


Anonymous said...

It was great to hear from you all this Texas morning in small group. So, Thai BBQ-hot wings and things...Sound like you are eating well-we will remember you in prayer for your continued work...Blessings Dennis and Pam

Anonymous said...

Stephanie and Jody,
It's so exciting to see how the Lord is working through you and your group to touch so many lives on this mission trip. It is even more exciting to think how the seeds that you all are planting today will transform so many lives in the future through the power of the Holy Spirit, not to mention the way He must be transforming your own lives at the same time. Still remembering you in my prayers. ... Maria S.
P.S. I cant say "bye" without saying this one word: McDonald's :-)