Friday, August 3, 2007

First Half Day on Mission Field

We spent a good chunk of the day traveling to the coastal region. Two vans jostled us from Bangkok to here over the course of 3 hours. We took a break at the service center that consisted of many American style restaraunts. We went to a 7-11 and a Mcdonalds. We sampled the Thai Big Mac and Chicken McNuggets. Not real different. Just cheaper. We got checked into our hotel. A few differences we have already noticed. They do not air condition the hallways and lobbys. Our rooms were not air conditioned before we got there. There was much sweating. The humidity here is significantly higher than Bangkok. Sweltering is a good term.There was a group from Virginia leaving tonight as we were getting in. They were bowled over by what God had done during the week. We expect the same for us.
We have orientation tomorrow and a distribution at the a restaraunt tomorrow night. This will our first opportunity to interact with the Chinese tourists that we are seeking to minister to. So far we have done a lot of shopping and sightseeing, now the work begins and we are ready for that.
Our distribution should be finished about 8:30 tomorrow night, but the pier nights will be much later. Please pray for our group as many eyelids are getting droopy between 8 and 9.
On a personal note Bill bought Melody a

1 comment:

mgoben said...

Ha Ha Jody!! Keep your day job!! I hope all is going well. I am glad to hear you guys are having fun!!! I hear you are eating alot of unique food!!! Tell everyone hello and we miss them!! I will keep you in my prayers!!!
